Well, this is some shameless plugging I have to admit... However I've been too busy to update this blog of mine because I was busy (and still busy) setting up WhySG.com with the help of some friends. Things are going fine but not as fast as I would like. These are the things that I've been busy with.
-Search Engine Optimization (Been testing and trying to optimize results, still playing around with the Vbulletin forum software)
-Search Engine Marketing (well, I cant waste too much money on this though I've set it up on Google and Bing).
Well I've seen many websites and forums in Singapore but few are focused on providing information (tips, events, guides, news, reviews and other stuff on Singapore), which was why I started WhySG.com as a platform for Singaporeans (business owners and individuals) to share their opinions and also as an affordable online channel to advertise online.
So, let us take a look at other Singapore based websites/forums
Pros - Traffic, diversified audience
Cons - Lack of features, "fragmented" forums. Fierce admin... RAWR!
Pros - Traffic, arguably the most famous forum in Singapore (especially EDMW)
Cons - Generally focused on Technology, less on Businesses, few benefits and features for members (even paying business members)
Pros - Forums for both guys and girls, generally nice administrators and diverse topics
Cons - Few features, forums has some kinks (hard to navigate)
Pros - Uncluttered and clean interface, focused on relevant topics to women
Cons - Caters to female netizens, no difference from other forums except the fact that it is targeted at female online users. Some might remember and question the integrity of erm, the people behind it....... (remember MissKat forums)
Pros - Better impression of this than Flowerpod
Cons - Lack of features, generally targeted at female users
Pros - Appeals to both sexes
Cons - Lack of features. Domain name isnt very apt and might not appeal to Singaporeans
Pros - Simple and uncluttered interface. Close-knitted community (I think)
Cons - Appeals more to male gamers and computer geeks than girls. Not much features, too.
Pros - Simple Interface (Give me more suggestions!), Features, cater to both male and female Singaporeans. Caters to individuals and businesses. Relatively affordable advertising (22USD per annum)
Cons - Lack of content as of now. Need more articles, memberships, sponsors... Lack of members (due to SEO in the works and people not willing to give WhySG.com a chance, heh) We're still resistant to change I guess.
Will need you guys to support me in getting WhySG.com up!