Sunday, April 26, 2009

Uniquely Singapore

I suddenly felt the need to blog this today.

"Are Singaporeans too afraid to speak up?" I certainly feel this way - with prolific and/or controversial bloggers hauled up to court for what they've written online.

Yes, some things are not to be tolerated - e.g. racial slurs, discriminations against religions/race, unfounded allegations/defamatory comments.

The key word here is "responsibility". How anyone interprets this word is another matter altogether. Apparently, the Singaporean leaders seem to be urging us commoners to voice our opinions. Constructive criticisms they say, be critical yet not overboard. We will listen (or be selective?) This is a contradiction in itself, how can one choose the nicest words to put forth if he/she feels resent and anger? We dont see Lee Bee Wah (Singapore Table Tennis Association President) putting on her best, friendliest front during the Olympic saga. In fact, this is probably the only example that I even dare to briefly mention in my post.

I dont want to be a circus monkey, and I dont feel encouraged by the rat poison put on a silver platter. Neither do I wish to be exemplified and immortalised in the parliament. I just wish to be taught how to lash out without being consumed by anger, a trait which I have failed to see in many of our leaders. Perhaps they should send all Singaporeans for anger management courses.

"People should not be afraid of their governments" Hmm?


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yet another senseless drivel

It has been only 2.5 months since I left Singapore. Yet it seems like years have passed. I dont really miss home much and I have adjusted pretty well (or so it seems). Yet I still dont feel very much as ease here.

I cant accept what I cant change - and this bothers me. Alot.

Hmm, people are still so distant - so near yet so far. Usually, I enjoy being alone so I can sort myself out. It's just me to keep a distance with others yet I feel so lonely at times. Im really disappointed yet jaded and I try to be indifferent yet I cant help getting affected. What a contradiction.

I could be an oracle you know. I have foreseen so many events so many times that it no longer fazes me... much. I should have long been immune to people's susceptibility to change, but I have not. People have walked out of my life ever so often that Im getting amused. Is it me who needs to embrace change? Well I just take it that I am too obtuse to understand. Somehow Im more inclined towards believing the inherent evil side of human nature after numerous "chance" encounters.

Yet I still believe I know too many people too well. And I am too tired to know any other.

Im depressed. Im not afraid to admit it. Who wouldnt? Life itself is morbid and grim because everyday a part of us dies. Im fighting hard not to sink into it - sometimes, too much of melancholy can become an indulgence and you get addicted to wallowing in self-pity.